Source code for nlpretext.preprocessor

from typing import List, Callable

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer

from import (
    remove_html_tags, remove_mentions, remove_emoji, remove_hashtag)
from nlpretext.basic.preprocess import normalize_whitespace, remove_eol_characters, fix_bad_unicode

[docs]class Preprocessor(): def __init__( self): """ Initialize preprocessor object to apply all text transformation """ self.__operations = [] self.pipeline = None
[docs] def pipe(self, operation: Callable, args: dict = None): """ Add an operation and its arguments to pipe in the preprocessor Parameters ---------- operation : callable text preprocessing function args : dict of arguments """ self.__operations.append({ 'operation': operation, 'args': args })
[docs] @staticmethod def build_pipeline(operation_list: List[dict]) -> Pipeline: """ Build sklearn pipeline from a operation list Parameters ---------- operation_list : iterable list of __operations of preprocessing Returns ------- sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline """ return Pipeline( steps=[ ( operation['operation'].__name__, FunctionTransformer(operation['operation'], kw_args=operation['args']) ) for operation in operation_list])
[docs] def run(self, text: str) -> str: """ Apply pipeline to text Parameters ---------- text : string text to preprocess Returns ------- string """ operations = self.__operations if operations == []: operations_to_pipe = ( remove_html_tags, remove_mentions, remove_emoji, remove_hashtag, remove_eol_characters, fix_bad_unicode, normalize_whitespace ) operations = [{'operation': operation, 'args': None} for operation in operations_to_pipe] self.pipeline = self.build_pipeline(operations) text = self.pipeline.fit_transform(text) return text